I am
Joyce Dungee Proctor
Keynote Speaker | Career Development Strategist
Coach | Trainer | Mentor | Author
I have been in your shoes.
My story is a journey of Faith, perseverance, and resilience. I’ve been laid off. I’m a cancer survivor. I’ve feared the unknown. I tell you these things to assure you I’m someone who genuinely relates to you and understands what you’re going through.
I know, for example, that you’re afraid. You’re not prepared, you fear the unknown, you fear you’re not qualified to thrive in a competitive marketplace, you fear talking about yourself—the list goes on and on. Sound familiar?
Like many of my clients, I was a successful executive with more than 25 years of experience in leadership roles with multi-billion dollar corporations. I enjoyed a career that involved a successful track record and continuous path of more responsibility and six-figure income.
While I did not dislike my work, I had a persistent feeling that I could do more—have more financial freedom and make a difference while still providing for my family. I just didn’t know how.
Then one day, “the phone call” came, perhaps a call you’ve received, too. “Joyce, we are going to be eliminating your position.” At first, I panicked. I didn’t know what I was going to tell my family or how I was going to get another position fast enough in a slow economy and at my level of compensation.
But it’s the best thing that ever happened to me!
Somewhere in the midst of my worst fear and despair, I held onto my faith and my relationship with God. It gave me the courage to take the next critical step and Get real with myself. I found a diamond in the rough!
Can everybody bounce back that way? No, because everyone’s different. What I managed to do was search out those things which, for me, were the most important.
I decided I no longer wanted to be overwhelmed or stressed. Instead, I chose to bounce back.
Most of my clients know in advance that the layoffs are coming. I certainly did. That’s when it’s time to take a proactive approach. Use that as a time for self-reflection and decide what it is you really want to do. For me, it was to no longer focus on getting another high-powered position, with an important title and six figure salary, but to create more passion and purpose in the work that I do.
I decided I wanted to help other people who had experienced the challenges that I’d had. It became a crystal clear purpose for me, and it aligned perfectly with my passion. I reached out to my network, and amazingly, just a few days later, I was offered the managing director position at a career transition company where I became certified as a career consultant and elevated my brand to the next level.
And then, I was diagnosed with cancer.
I did not see it coming, but I made a decision to become unstoppable. I even developed a seminar about it.
If you’re a survivor, too, and have been through chemo, you know that this is a time when you ask yourself some hard questions. My biggest one was, “Lord, what am I truly called to do? Do I want to coach and speak anymore?” I prayed for God to show me a sign to tell me what I should be doing. The answer was a very strong, “Yes!”
I wanted to tell my story of being a cancer survivor, and use my decades of hands on experience in corporate to help make an impact on the world one client at the time.
Low and behold, got a call from a previous corporate client who said, “Are you still coaching? I have five clients for you.”
I also landed a huge speaking engagement at a women’s conference. I did it, bald, wearing a wig—the whole nine yards—and my presentation was a huge hit. I’ve had a full complement of clients ever since.
Faith is my Foundation
Whatever your core beliefs are, you must have faith. When the circumstances in your life seem unbearable, you must remember that there are unforeseen forces working in your favor.. It comes from you believing in yourself. Believing that you can do it and that good things will happen.
I started as a salesperson in retail, opening boxes in a stock room. Very quickly, I was able to exceed expectations and elevate my brand because of a great attitude, strong faith, emotional intelligence and my ability to bounce back in the mist of adversity.
A captivating career takes your breath away!
I am a leading career development strategist, keynote speaker, certified career coach, author and mentor whose mission is to challenge and inspire individuals to make the transformations necessary to achieve their purpose and fulfill their dreams. I have been providing professional services in career and executive coaching for more than 25 years.
My company, A Captivating Career with Joyce Dungee Proctor, works directly with executives and professionals like you, helping you learn how to build a powerful personal brand that accelerates your career by creating influence, impact and income.
Additionally, I am the founder and president of Seminars by Joyce – The Total You, Inc., a full service empowerment firm that specializes in a blend of speaking and executive coaching services developed during my tenure in leadership, management, sales and human resources roles.
My mission is to support, inspire and coach people to achieve success by offering services that are customized to meet the unique needs of every client and audience.
I’ve coached thousands of individuals on their careers, drawing from my diverse experience as a district manager, senior market manager and managing director. I use the proprietary system, “The Ultimate Career Coaching” method, which is a super-powered coaching formula that’s been featured on CNN, NBC, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post, to name a few.
My clients come to me because they want to take charge of their career and create the work they love. They are unemployed, under-employed, working and worried, or are experiencing career transitions. They look to me for direction, support and to design the blueprint to get them to where they ultimately want to be.
During my tenure at several Fortune 500 companies, I inspired and coached managers and team members in a variety of industries, and became known as the “Queen of Career Transformation Coach.”
My book, “Take the Limits Off: Nine Ways to Stop Talking and Start Doing,” is your personal tool for creating a life you’ll love. It offers a simple, elegant way to self-empowerment. My most recent book, “The Break-Through Book,” is a personal writing tool to get you where you want to go next.
A lot of my principles are built around faith, because that has, quite frankly, made me who I am. More than anything, I understand that if you are in a place in which you no longer want to be, a place that’s uncomfortable, or where you feel stuck, know that there is a resolution—if you’re willing to do the work.
Understand that you’re not alone. I’m here to help you, and I have a wonderful set of tools, systems and processes to get you where you want to be. I will encourage you, but, more importantly, I will hold you accountable.
What most people don’t know is that I too have walked through the fire many times, but I can attest, that with faith all things are possible. Because I held on to my faith and did the work, not only did I survive, I flourished! And so will you.
Just remember “It is all about the #BOUNCEBACK”!
Let’s get started!
You don’t have to be good to start, but you must start to be good! Move beyond contemplating change to taking the steps necessary to achieve your purpose and fulfill your dreams. There’s no challenge that can keep you from your place of triumph when your focus is clear, you’ve got powerful tools, and you’re willing to do the work.
Let me support you in taking the limits off your career so you can realize your full potential!